Jarrett Leake

Job: Mechanic 

How you got started riding: I started riding with my brother when we were kids, making trails and jumps in the woods. After we grew up, bikes became mainly a way to get around town without needing a car or spending money on gas or parking. 

Typical Ride: Riding around town to run errands, or going outside of Iowa City to explore. 

Riding Goal: I want to ride. I don't have any races I'm itching to do, just to ride more with friends around town. 

Favorite Food: Homemade mac and cheese with breadcrumbs on top.

Favorite Book: East of Eden by John Steinbeck (or) What We Talk About When We Talk About Love by Raymond Carver.

Favorite Movie: Big Fish (or) The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.

Email: jarrett.leake@worldofbikes.com


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Tyler Harapat