Carol Bell

Job: Bike Fitter

How you got started riding: Riding my sister’s bike in the ‘60’s and then sharing my brother’s Raleigh bike on our paper route at 5am each morning before school. I’ve had many different bicycles over the years, but perhaps one of my most memorable was my Flying Pigeon that I owned during several years living in China in the early 1980’s. That bike took me everywhere!

Typical Ride: I got interested in randonneuring about 15 years ago. These rides are long- distance, 200 km-1500 km, timed and self-supported rides (called brevets) over sanctioned courses. Brevets are held worldwide and I’ve had so much fun seeing new places and meeting people all over the globe. I really like long-distance events - I’ve plenty of time to think, problem solve and spend hours doing nothing other than ride my bike.

Riding Goal: This year my big goal is the Tour Divide from Banff, Canada to Antelope Wells on the Mexican border. The ride starts in June. I’ll carry everything on the bike that I will need for the 25-plus days I’ll be out there. Bear spray will be one of the most important parts of my kit: I just hope I don't have to use it!

Favorite Food: Anything that looks like breakfast food. Any time of the day.

Favorite Book: Full Tilt by Durvla Murphy an Irish woman who cycled from Ireland to India in 1963.

Favorite Movie: The World’s Fastest Indian. This is the story of Burt Munro, a NZ’er who raced his 1920 Indian Scout Motorcycle on the Bonneville Salt Flats. Burt’s hometown is 120 miles from where I grew up. He’s an absolute kiwi legend!



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